Simplifying renewable energy compliance – from concept phase to generation and beyond
Renewable energy projects can involve a plethora of regulatory hurdles to obtain the appropriate approvals under licensing regimes, environmental and health and safety frameworks and electricity market regulations.
It is in these complex settings where a specialist compliance solution comes to the fore, bringing your critical information together in an easily shared, activity-oriented and highly proactive tool.
Totum Compliance is the Software-as-a-Service compliance and risk management solution specifically designed to manage complex and highly regulated operations, anywhere in the world. We empower your operational teams to confidently manage the vast and complex compliance requirements associated with their activities.
Turn your licences, regulatory obligations, contracts and risks registers into a powerful activity management tool, and get instant visibility of your projects, assets and operations. With Totum Compliance you’ll have all the information you need for timely and confident decision-making.

Manage your Projects, Licences and Approvals, anywhere in the world
Totum Compliance enables you to easily manage your Projects, Licences and Approvals, in 1 or more Jurisdictions and/or 1 or more countries. Totum Compliance scales to your business anywhere in the world.

Manage any renewable energy project licences and approvals, anywhere in the world.
- Add and manage your projects and assets within a single jurisdiction or a global portfolio
- Capture, share and track critical information:
- participants
- expiry dates and milestones
- conditions
- history and events
- View and access your projects/assets from a GIS map
- Manage and track your activities and view them on a timeline
- Auto-generate tasks to manage obligations and deadlines
- ‘Set and forget’ annual and periodic tasks for reporting and fees obligations
- Automated task and date calculation for operational activities and event-based compliance requirements
Powerful reporting at your fingertips
Email notifications and reminders
• Licence renewal and expiry dates
• Licence conditions and milestones
• Activities and tasks

Manage regulatory compliance
Managing regulatory requirements that differ across states and countries can be complex. We make it simple - delivering tailored, activity-based compliance requirements so everyone knows exactly what they need to do and when they need to do it.

Ensuring you have all your obligations covered
• Regulatory requirement database tailored to your jurisdiction
• Legislation monitoring and updating service [see more]
Visibility of who is managing it and how
• Allocate responsible and accountable people
• Record compliance management processes
• Link regulatory requirements to your business operations, internal processes and procedures so you can adapt quickly to regulatory change
Add tasks to manage compliance
• ‘Set and forget’ annual and periodic tasks
• Automated task and date calculation for activity and event-based compliance
Simplify audit and assurance
• Track compliance status
• Automate audit and assurance processes
One-click reporting
• Powerful reporting at your fingertips
• Customised email reports
• Timeline, GIS, graphical and text reports exportable in multiple formats
Email notifications and reminders
• Upcoming compliance tasks
• Non-compliance notifications
• Regulatory changes

Managing Contract Obligations
Simplify contract management by having all the key information at your fingertips and automating key requirements.

Capture and track key contract information
- Manage any type of contract
- Parties and contact information
- Commencement, renewal and expiry dates
- Obligations
Simplify contract communications
- Add contacts
- Record roles (eg Contract Representatives)
- Email distribution list
Visibility of who is managing it and how
- Allocate responsible and accountable people
- Record compliance management processes
- Link contract requirements to your business operations, internal processes and procedures so you can adapt quickly to contract changes
Add tasks to manage obligations
- ‘Set and forget’ annual and periodic tasks
- Automated task and date calculation for activity and event-based obligations
Simplify audit and assurance
- Track compliance status
- Automate audit and assurance processes
One-click reporting
- Powerful reporting at your fingertips
- Customised email reports
- Timeline, graphical and text reports exportable in multiple formats
Email notifications and reminders
- Upcoming obligation tasks
- Non-compliance notifications
- Contract renewal and expiry dates

Managing risks

Manage risk in the context of your business operations.
- Bow-tie Risk
- Add and manage your enterprise and country/project specific risks
- Assess risk according to your company risk matrix
- Identify whether risks are ALARP (as low as reasonably practicable)
- Add Tasks to manage your risks and implement treatment plans
- View, track and report on completion of tasks
- “Workshop” risks in horizontal format with in-line editing for collaborative risk assessment
Visibility of who is managing it and how
- Allocate responsible and accountable people
- Track completion of treatment plans and actions
- Link risks to your business operations, assets and obligations so you can proactively assess how changes may impact your risk profile
Add tasks to manage treatment plans and actions
- ‘Set and forget’ periodic risk review tasks
- Add tasks to manage treatment plans and actions
One-click reporting
- Powerful reporting at your fingertips
- Graphical and text reports exportable in multiple formats
Email notifications and reminders
- Upcoming risk tasks
- Non-compliance with associated obligations
- Changes to risk

Automating business processes and tracking activities
Automated business processes and activity and task management, tailored to your business.

Manage Enterprise groups
- Create Enterprise groups for your business units, projects or assets
Manage and track business activities and view them on a timeline
Operationalise and automate your business processes
- ‘Set and forget’ annual and periodic tasks
- Automated task and date calculation for activity and event-based tasks
One-click reporting
- Powerful reporting at your fingertips
- Customised email reports
- Timeline, GIS, graphical and text reports exportable in multiple formats
Email notifications and reminders
- Activities and tasks

The only compliance software you'll ever need